Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 15, 2017 18:33

V’mitsu OXY Health Drink contains noni fruit, deemed as ‘The gift from God’ by Polynesian, is high in proxeronine which helps to activate cell, enhances metabolism and detoxification. Besides, V’mitsu OXY Health Drink also contains silk peptide, tremella, L-glutathione, pomegranate concentrate and blackcurrant concentrate. Silk peptide and tremella mushroom are effective in moisturizing skin. Whereas L-glutathione, pomegranate concentrate and blackcurrant concentrate act as antioxidant to slow down aging process.

• Skin moisturizing
• Skin rejuvenation, improve skin elasticity
• Enhance collagen production
• Antioxidant

V’mitsu OXY Health Drink采用了被波莉西亚人视为上帝恩赐的礼物的诺丽果、其赛珞宁原(Proxeronine)成分能活化细胞,促进新陈代谢,达到排毒效果!此外,V’mitsu OXY Health Drink也添加了蚕丝蛋白和银耳,帮助保湿与滋润肌肤;谷胱甘肽,石榴精华和黑加仑精华则帮助抗氧化,延缓衰老!

• 保湿肌肤
• 修复与恢复肌肤弹性
• 促进胶原蛋白生成
• 抗氧化

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 15, 2017 18:32

V’mitsu Apple Stem Cell is formulated with PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica, the apple stem cell extracted from a rare apple tree (Uttwiler Spatlauber) in Swiss. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is natural and GMO free. It is awarded as best ingredient in year 2008. PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica rejuvenates and renews skin cell, slows down aging process.

• Activate cell
• Combat aging
• Rejuvenation of skin

V’mitsu Apple Stem Cell 采用了来自瑞士的罕见苹果(Uttwiler Spatlauber)提炼出的苹果干细胞(PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica) ,可修复及活化皮肤细胞,延缓衰老!
PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica(苹果干细胞)纯天然,无基因改造,并且荣获 2008 年度最佳活性成份奖!

• 活化细胞
• 延缓衰老
• 修复皮肤

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 15, 2017 18:27

V’mitsu PineTox is mainly made up of prune and honey. The high fiber in prune provides satiety, enhances peristalsis and relieves constipation. Besides, prune contains 15 times more iron compared to apple, which helps in boosting rosy skin and red blood cell production. Honey relieves heatiness & gastrointestinal disorder, and moisturizing our skin.

• Detoxification
• Red blood cell production
• Boost rosy skin

V’mitsu PineTox 以黑枣精华为主要成分,因为黑枣含有丰富的纤维素,可帮助大肠蠕动,把毒素给排出体外。黑枣也含有比红苹果高出15倍的铁质,具有美容养颜、与造血的功效。此外,V’mitsu PineTox也添加了顶级蜂蜜,可帮助清热解毒、滋润皮肤与舒缓肠胃不适。

• 排毒
• 造血
• 润肤

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 15, 2017 18:18

V’mitsu has recently launched a new series of products namely PineTox, StemCell & Oxy Health Drink which are especially formulated for skin whitening, skin moisturising and detoxification. These three products work hand in hand to a beautiful you from inside and out. They are individually packaged, handy enough for women with busy lifestyle.

Why V’mitsu is the best choice:
• Achieve both beauty and health effect
• Drink after open, portable and easily consume
• Nice taste
• GMO free
If you are ready to be truly beautiful, inside and out, kindly get in touch with:
Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd.
+606-316 3335

Sweet Beauty Consultancy
+6010-216 7779

V’mitsu 新推出一系列产品,即PineTox, StemCell & Oxy Health Drink,具有美白、保湿与排毒的功效。这三样产品一起搭配服用,可有效地让我们由内而外地散发健康和美丽。它方便携带与服用,非常适合忙碌的现代女性!
• 同时达到美容与保健的效果
• 即开即饮,方便携带与服用
• 味道极佳
• 无基因改造
Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd.
+606-316 3335

Sweet Beauty Consultancy
+6010-216 7779

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on July 11, 2016 15:06

Raisins are irreplaceable as a healthy member of the dry fruits category nowadays. There are various types of raisins, including golden, green or black delicacies which are favorites of almost everyone, particularly children.
Our product (Hotbe Black Raisin) is now available which are good sources of iron and calcium that benefit to our body health.

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on July 11, 2016 14:38

Do you know that pitted prune is actually benefit to our health?
It's not surprising that prunes have close association with relieving constipation.
Prunes are well known nowadays as a digestive remedy for decades mainly because of three components: fibre, sorbitol (a sugar alcohol that can loosen the stool) and a natural laxative compound called diphenyl isatin.
Beyond the benefits to our digestive tract, prunes have many other wonderful health properties as shown here.

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on March 01, 2016 08:57

One of the HOTBE drinks series - ARABICA WHITE COFFEE is available now!!

Hotbe Arabica White Coffee gives you a genuine arabica coffee aroma, with enhanced strong taste in just a 20g pack.

If you are finding a great coffee, you have found it!
#Arabica #coffee #SweetHeart #hotbe

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 19, 2016 08:50

Good news! Hotbe Teh Tarik presents teh tarik lovers a unique flavor and taste of teh tarik made with black tea!
Black tea is a type of tea that was fully oxidized during fermentation and results in stronger flavor. Similar to green tea, black tea contains as massive amount of antioxidant as found in fruits and vegetables.
Consuming black tea has been proved to have following benefits:
• Provide oral health
• Treating headache
• Helps protect heart and blood vessels
• Reducing the risk of stomach and colon cancer
• Stress relief and increase energy
Come on, teh tarik lovers, what are you waiting for! #TehTarik#SweetHeart#Hotbe

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on February 01, 2016 17:17

Festival is full of foods and joyful events which probably need your body to stay energised and healthy at all time. Here’s some tips may help you have a wonderful and cheerful CNY!
• Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated.
• Try to reduce fried and high sugar food.
• Avoid big meal
• Taking a nice short nap
• Keep the focus on fun, not food

Sweet Heart wishes you have a prosperous year!

Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on January 29, 2016 08:48



Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on January 18, 2016 13:55



Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on January 11, 2016 12:06

Hotbe Matcha Latte

Hotbe introduces you a special green tea formulation- MATCHA LATTE!!

Hotbe Matcha tea powder is the finely powdered of green tea leaves. Matcha tea is the form of tea in which the whole tea leaf is ground and consumed. Its pleasant taste and health benefits make it a favorite of many tea lovers.

Hotbe Matcha tea contains Antioxidants like other types of green teas and gives you a more potent source of Nutrients than green tea. Hotbe Matcha tea contains a powerful antioxidant known as Catechins which provide cancer-fighting properties.

Some other health benefits of Matcha tea are:
* Metabolism enhancement and calories burning
* Detoxification
* Rich in vitamins (A, B, C, E and K), minerals and
dietary fiber
* Helps to prevent cardiovascular disease


Sweet Heart Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. - Announcement on December 17, 2015 17:14

Health benefits of Aloe Vera:
• Helps support a healthy digestive system
• Provide joint and muscle health support
• Maintains a healthy immune system
• Reduces toxins in the body
• Moisturizes and hydrates the skin
• Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
• Prevents constipation
• Delays aging process
• Promote hair growth

Do You Know : Aloin contained in aloe vera leaves has to be removed and the effectiveness of aloe vera health benefit is vastly dependent on the polysaccharides in aloe vera leaves.

Photo from: www.ayibamagazine.com

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